We all have them in our lives. If you haven't, brace yourself, they're on their way. They lie dormant, content with their lives. That is until they get the whiff  of something threatening, something most revolting...DREAMS. Suddenly they stalk and hunt you down as if their lives depended on it. With looks of discomfort and in most cases absolute fear, they make their stance for the final attack. They are the DREAM KILLERS of this world.
{end fantasy/horror novel type intro}

As fictional as I made DREAM KILLERS seem, they really do exist. They are the people that passive aggressively or straight up in your face try to discourage you from pursuing your dreams. The scary thing is that in most cases these people are close to us. Dreams, at least initially, are not shared with complete strangers or mere associates. We share them with close friends and even family who we would expect to be supportive of and gentle with something as precious as our dreams.

They say things like "I don't want to see you upset if it doesn't work out." , "That's a crazy and stupid idea!" or "You don't have what you need to make it". Sometimes they make  you feel uncomfortable and even begin to doubt yourself for trying to pursue your dreams. Before you let the feeling of self doubt creep in, I would love if you could just refer to this quote below.

"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."   - W. Gibson


They've already  pursued their dreams and have either succeeded or failed. 

They were too afraid to pursue the dreams they once had and now want you to do the same. 

They just don't have the vision that your have in your own dreams.

They're threatened by potential changes beyond their comfort level.

There are so many more reasons why dream killers do what they do. What's important is that you shouldn't give a F#$%!!!

It's actually a moment in your life where you learn who your real friends and supporters are. 

 The more you press on with whatever dream, idea, or project you're doing, the harder these dream killers will push back. 

Don't give in.

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