Coloring Your 4c Natural Hair with Cream Eyeshadow : Hair Care Tips & Tricks

 I love to see naturalista's with beautiful vibrant hair colors. One thing I love more is to get that same look with a LOT less commitment. Enter cream eyeshadows. They're a great way to achieve a vibrant, pop of color without the commitment of using harsh chemicals. I've colored my hair using cream eyeshadows on multiple occasions, here's some tips,tricks, and answers to some FAQs. 

Initial Hair Condition
On both occasions in which I colored my hair, my hair was moisturized before hand. One thing I would recommend is that you do not saturate your hair with too much products before you apply your color. These products may interfere with the eyeshadow's ability to set onto your hair.

Side Note:  Get this! Eyeshadows and their packaging were not designed with the thought of naturalista's using it to temporarily color their hair. It's gonna get messy! One way or another your hands are gonna get eyeshadow on them - unless you're wearing gloves. Apparently I like a little "danger" in my life.

Color Application Methods

There are two methods of color application that I've tried that worked really well in my hair.
The first method, my personal favorite, is the "thumb press" (I just made that up). You  basically  place your hair between the eyeshadow container and your thumb. Then you press your hair into the eyeshadow with your thumb (hence the made up name) and glide the eyeshadow down your hair shafts. 
The second method, is to take a small amount of eyeshadow out of it's container and slide it down your hair shafts. Although the first method is my favorite, this second method works best when I'm running low on eyeshadow and I need to get the last bit of product out of the container.  

The Best Color Pay Off

I would recommend trying the more vibrant and pigmented colors of whatever eyeshadow line you're looking into. I personally have tried "Painted Purple", "Tenacious Teal", and "Bad to the Bronze" from the Maybelline Color Tattoo by Eye Studio Eye Shadow Line.

"Painted Purple" and "Tenacious Teal" turned out great, but "Bad to the Bronze" was a total fail. The payoff was not great from the very beginning. The color was barely noticeable. The fact that I have dark natural hair was not helping either.

Color Longevity?
The less you do the better. That's a saying that we naturalista's have come across as it pertains to retaining length, but it also applies in this case. Constant retwisting and manipulation is going to gradually transfer color from your hair onto your hands. 

Color Removal?

Removing cream eyeshadow is embarrassingly simple. Just wash your hair with your favorite shampoo. You may need  a second wash to get the color completely out depending on how much of your hair was colored. 

I hope this helps. Have fun with your hair!

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