Interview with Erica Rivers of Beautè Organics

Hey everyone! I got the opportunity to try out some products from a new natural hair product line called Beautè Organics. This line of products is brand spanking new and I want you to not only learn about new natural hair products that are out there, but I want you to know about the faces behind them as well. The owner of Beautè Organics is a young lady by the name of Erica Rivers. I got the chance to interview Erica and here's how it went. 
Tell me a little bit about your self. 

I was born in Selma, Alabama. However, due to my mother's military career I moved all over the US. I believe this is what caused me to really appreciate life, being able to see such diverse cultures in this country. I then ended up staying at her last duty station in Louisiana where I now call home. I completed my B.S. in Chemistry and moved to New Orleans where Beautè Organics came to life. I am a natural and have been natural going on 3 years with a few haircuts in between. 

Tell me a little bit about your product line. (How did it come into the existence? What motivated you to create the products?)

Beautè Organics was inspired by my love of chemistry and all things beauty related! Initially my haircare products were something I did as a craft on the side while working as a Chemist, but friends and family encouraged me to make this into a brand. This was a huge transition, but I went full force at it and now Beautè Organics is here!

How did you come up with the name Beautè Organics?
The name Beautè Organics seemed to come to me like it was a calling. I thought about what I wanted the company to represent and now here she is!

Your product line is relatively new. What are you guessing will be your best sellers?

I believe the best sellers will be the leave in creme, conditioner and styling butter! So far that is more so what people have gravitated towards.

Are there any products in your line that you would recommend for women with
kinky, type 4 hair?

The thick styling butter is definitely the product I would recommend. I have type 4 hair and to be honest, this has to be one of the best butters I have used! Type 4 hair loves butters and moisture and this product provides both! Twist outs, braid outs, bantu knots etc!

What are 3 hair styling tips or tricks that you can offer to promote
healthy hair and hair growth in addition to the use of Beautè Organics products?

1) Don't skimp on deep conditioning! This process really allows your hair to be refreshed and revitalized. Once a week or twice a month just depending on the state of your hair.

2) When styling your hair, always remember to add the water back into it during the week as a refresher. You can do this with a water based leave in or a light mist spray of water! This will ensure your hair is hydrated.

3) Less is more! With products we use i believe "less is more" is definitely one of the biggest tips I could give!

Where do you see Beautè Organics in a few years from now?

I see Beautè Organics being one of the go to all-natural haircare brands out there. The thing about this line is it can be used on all hair types and the styling butter is a perk for people with curly hair! I also see Beautè Organics as a community builder. I aspire to have a lab where college students are taught proper laboratory skills and are given a chance to showcase their talent. I also want to encourage more children  to work in the science field through out-reach programs. To me, Beautè Organics is more than a brand its encouragement to our fellow neighbors to have growth and prosperity.

How can we stay in the know with the latest news about Beautè Organics?
You can follow us on Instagram and Twitter @beauteorganics or join or newsletter by submitting your email on the website.
Check out my review of the Beautè Organics line HERE. 
Purchase your very own Beautè Organics products HERE.  
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