Happy President's Day! : OOY - Outfit of Yesterday
Good Morning! Happy President's Day! I tried to upload yesterday's outfit of the day but it wasn't working out. So here is my OOY, Outfit of Yesterday!
I exercised my right
to bare arms at church in this Forever 21 Dress. My current style and
what I've been attracted to for the most part always seem to be any
combination of black, white, and gray. Even clothes with color that I've been stalking lately seem to have a dark edge to it.
I figured a high bun (can you tell if it's all mine?) would be a simple enough style so that the loudness of the dress had no competition. I stuck with black and gold accents in my Forever 21 Earrings and Payless Fioni flats. The black stockings definitely made everything come together.
Jump pics! Just because I can!
Through playing with my camera for this quick shoot I realized that a shallow depth of field (focused subject with blurred background) is possible to a certain extent with my simple point and shoot. It works best on close ups, but I'll keep experimenting with it. So for now I'll be holding off on a better camera purchase since I'm loving the pics I'm getting so far from the point and shoot.
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