How was your Valentine's Day?

Hey everyone! I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day whether you're single or in a relationship!  Valentine's Day is all about love and to me it shouldn't matter who is receiving the love. Even though I was in "Whatevz mode" this year, I did wear one of my Pro-Valentine's Day looks from my "My Sunny Valentine Lookbook".

 Where did I wear my look you might ask?

Well I just took my son early in the am for a haircut, took him to daycare, and headed to my spa appointment. 

Yes a SPA APPT! I never thought I would get to experience something as posh and luxurious as a spa day, but God made a way for me to.  It was actually a birthday/Christmas gift from my dad.  I just made the reservations for Valentine's Day because I wanted to use it on a day that I would really need to feel special.

After some suggestions from online friends, I decided to go with Lazule Sea Spa at Frenchman's Reef Resort .   I figured if I was going to have a spa experience, then the entire atmosphere surrounding the spa needed to be absolutely relaxing . 

Views from Lazule.

 I didn't want to be hearing cars drive by with their horns honking to remind me that I have the real world to go back to.   I decided to go with the Lazule Signature Sugar Glow With Vichy.   It had just a taste of most of the services that Lazule offers; sugar scrub for exfoliation, Vichy showers coupled with a foot massage, hot towel treatments coupled with a lotion rub down massage all over my body! It was amazing. Even after my session (around 9am), I could've stayed there the entire day until they closed at 9pm. I just sat around to reflect for about a half-hour and swam in their pool for another half-hour.

Pool at Lazule

After that I had a long, long shower and co-washed my hair to get the chlorine out from the pool. I actually loved their conditioner and wished I had some type of container to sneak some out with me...don't judge me. Shortly after I left I found out that I'm getting another gift certificate for a pedicure at another luxurious resort. I have to decide when is a good time to have that done. I'm looking at my toes now and they are saying, "You know we need a pedi right now!"  

We shall see little piggies, we shall see.


How was your Valentine's Day? It's never to late to treat yourself. Go do something right now!
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