Consistency is key. 
Hey everyone! I anticipate that you will be seeing a lot more of me starting in August. If you're new to my blog, thanks for stopping by and I hope you stay with me forever (as in subscribe). I also have a channel on YouTube where I share content that is better served with engaging visuals versus just reading it. I came across the awesome, AWESOME Amy Schmittauer of the SaavySexySocial YouTube channel.  She offers great marketing advice that you can implement right away in whatever venture (blog, online brand, YouTube channel,etc.) you're trying to build. She has come up with a way to get vloggers comfortable with being in front of a camera and it's called VEDA. VEDA stands for Vlog Every Day in August (also April). VEDA is also a challenge of consistency. Viewers like to know that they can depend on regular uploads from YouTubers they're subscribed to.
 I attempted VEDA in April, but I was totally unprepared. This month is going to be different. It's going to be much much better. I've already come up with some topics that I'll be vlogging about, so there's absolutely no way that I could not have anything to talk about.
 If I do run out Amy's also got that covered with a suggested topic for each day in August! I will be sharing each vlog that I upload right here on LuvMika87.

If you would like to participate in VEDA, click right HERE to learn more and sign up. Don't worry it's free to any and everyone! 

If you have anymore vlog topic ideas please comment below or email them to me at


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