Hey everyone! I'm back from a weekend getaway in Puerto Rico and I must say I did have a great time! Trust me as close as Puerto Rico is to St. Thomas I felt like I was in the USofA. 
 I decided that I would make an effort to take some pics to share, but I didn't want to spend what was supposed to be a relaxing, stress relieving vacation behind a camera's lens. 
Boarding the plane to San Juan, Puerto Rico!

Denny's was definitely the go-to breakfast spot in the morning! I looked forward to the little messages on my hot chocolate mugs everyday.
Cute messages on Denny's mugs! I wanted to run off with the one on the far left.

 As you can see I was a bit more into eating than getting the perfect "food porn" pics for Instagram. At least you know that what I was eating was definitely yummy!

Denny's Fit Fare Breakfast Sandwich Plate - This healthy and filling option was my favorite!

If loving ice cream is wrong, I don't want to be right!

There's so much more freeness in regards to personal style in Rico. It's either the freeness in Rico or  the "Noone will see me after this trip" bug that finally got me into rocking my 1st ever crop top! 
Forever 21 Crop Top (in stores now), Rainbow Stores leggings , Payless Comfy Canvas Sneaks
 Yes, the motherhood battle scars may have been peeping here and there, but I truly didn't care. I felt right at home as I was surrounded by  many voluptuous, plus sized women wearing whatever they wanted and looking damn good! Now I hope that I can muster that courage back here on St. Thomas without giving a flying you-know-what any else thinks. 

 One aspect of relaxation that I thoroughly enjoy is retail therapy! The #1 shopping spot of course was Forever 21.

 I definitely made a mental list of some items that I was stalking on their website. I don't think I could righteously complain about not having anything to wear, and I absolutely cannot do it after this therapy session. 
I don't always treat myself to a mini shopping spree but when I do, I go all out.
 I couldn't resist the famous Man of Mystery Dos Equis quote. Though I didn't drink one Dos Equis beer on the trip, I did enjoy a yummy Strawberry Margarita and a drink called 7 Potencias at Chilis! (Sidenote: The only fast food restaurants we have in St.Thomas are McDonalds,Pizza Hut, Dominoes, and Wendy's...I don't think Subway count.) 

 I'm glad that my waiter Louie got a good laugh from my facial expression when I saw the size of my 7 Potencias.  I honestly was expecting him to bring me something in one of those dainty little martini or margarita glasses. Clearly I don't drink often because I felt like I was drinking from a fish bowl! Oh yeah the food was great too, though the drinks kind of spoiled my appetite.

It was the perfect way to celebrate the end of a successful getaway!

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