Goals for 2014?

Every year during the last few weeks of December , I always see Facebook stats, articles, and what not about New Years Resolutions list.Every year that rolls by I have never made a New Years Resolutions list , stat, or on paper commitment to doing anything for the upcoming year. I guess I use to find the whole idea of committing to accomplishing future goals a bit intimidating...especially the part about declaring it publicly. 2014 needs to be different for me. I don't need to be restricted by my fears of failure, rejection and negativity. I think it's all mental. The only thing holding me back is myself so it's time to let me go.  It's time for me to start and KEEP doing the things that I enjoy doing!

My goals are really simple so far this year and with this free attitude I hope my New Years Resolution list will grow throughout the year. Anyways here they are.

I'm not making any excuses here. I will blog more no matter what. Whether it's OOTD (Outfit of the Day), Rants, Movie Reviews, Hair Blogs or whatever the heck I want, I'll be bloggin'! :)

 I use to have a really neat Fuji film camera that took professional looking pictures but someone who shall remain nameless broke it. Since then I've been settling for various point and shoot cameras. I currently have a Canon Power Shot Elph115 IS Point and Shoot Camera but I want something close to or even better that my old Fuji. The Canon Rebel T3i will be great and trust...no one is touching this camera. 

I mean it's only natural that I put the Rebel to use once I do get it!

I have a saying that if you're living your life to please people, then you're not really living. It's time for me to get back to living by that saying. It's time to forget what other people think or will think. At the end of the day what should matter is what makes me happy!

I know these goals are pretty simple but hey they're goals.

What are your New Years Resolutions/Goals for 2014!

Happy Holidays!


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