MIKA, THE FASHION CRIMINAL?! : Repeating outfits!

Don't wear white after Labor Day. Don't wear brown with blue or black.  Don't mix metal accessories.  Blah, blah, BLAH! These fashion rules are so stupid to me.  Who made these rules anyways? The rule that I dislike the most is don't ever, EVER, repeat outfits.  Really? 

Well I guess I have to turn myself in because I repeat outfits!

You're telling me that I'm supposed to spend money on clothes and only wear them once or twice?  Ain't nobody got time for that? If that's a rule then I am indeed a fashion criminal. Hey if you're as rich as these oh so rich celebrities that we see and hear about in the media, then go on then with your bad self!  As for me I'm a mom and I work hard for my money. There is absolutely nothing wrong with repeating outfits.  There's nothing wrong with repeating an outfit or articles of clothing once every couple of weeks or once every week for that matter.  I do this all the time.  I wash every weekend so as much as I repeat you can guarantee that my clothes are *bling bling* clean. 

It's time to stop letting society dictate what you can or cannot do with the yourself or whatever belongs to you!  You worked your butt off, you got your money, you bought your clothes that I'm absolutely sure you love, so wear it out to your hearts content.  I buy and wear clothes that make me feel good...ME!  You should be wearing clothes to make you feel good too. It should never be to please anyone else. 

 A blogger/YouTuber and plus-size chick named Amanda said it best.  "Real people repeat outfits." 

I have favorite pieces of clothing that I wear all the time.  I simply switch out accessories or shoes or something.  Maybe I will share how I repeat my favorites in different ways. Stay tuned.



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