Weekend Workout!

Happy Monday! Aren't we all bright eyed and bushy tailed?! Lol I couldn't resist. An old teacher use to ask my whole class this same question every morning. Anyways I digress.

 Before I sprained my ankle, I used to walk/run at least two to three times a week. I never paid attention to the distance I would walk or run, but coupled with not eating huge portions of whatever I ate, the weight was starting to come off. I noticed my arms and waist  area were getting a little smaller. I went down from a size 16/18 to a size 14. 

After getting in some heels for the first time in months last week and actually making it through the entire day without any pain, I decided to keep that momentum going. I did my walk/run for the first time in months and I did great. 

Workout Outfit: Forever 21 "One of a Kind"  muscle tank, grey tank, and sneaks. 

 ^ That hill was my last leg of the walk/run. ^

I love my curves, my thighs, my butt, and this workout tones me up so my curves are more defined. 

I'm going to keep this going! Plus size chicks can workout too! 


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