Dress Matching Hair & They Both Say Secret Bad Gal : Humpday OOTD/Life Blog

Dress by Attention Apparel

Earrings : Forever 21 -- Necklace : Came with a dress I bought

I absolutely love this dress. Although it's on the office, professional side versus my usual business casual, it still screams Mika.  I love the deep red color, but the edgy F@# you leather accents on the shoulder is what sold me.  This dress was actually bought late last year and it's the 2nd time I've worn it.  The only thing that I didn't like is the the deep V cut in the front.  The girls were seductively saying hi here and there but not too much.   I would definitely wear something underneath to be little bit more modest in the workplace next time. 

Feeling? Hump daaayyy! Hell yeah I'm feeling good.  Tomorrow is pay day and I'm pretty excited yet nervous at the same time.  As promised, to myself, I will be pushing myself to see how great of an artist I can become and with that promise comes investments of the financial sort.  Sighs, financial investment... those words literally make my scalp itch and raise my anxiety.  It's not often that this frugal chicks digs deep to splurge, especially on herself.  However if I'm going to pursue photography right (not to mention fulfill one of my New Years Resolutions) I must invest in myself by buying the Canon Rebel T3i DSLR camera.  The  inner,fearful part of me  has forever been gnawing at the risk taking, determined part of me for some time but I'm not letting it win this time.

If I'm going to be using my own creations for this blog I need to make sure I have a damn good camera to showcase  them with great quality.  I'm sure there will be a a learning curve as it's my first DSLR and there are things like aperture, ISO, and shutter speed that I have to get the hang of.  Regardless it's a step in the right direction.

 Anything Coming Up? The lovely or dreadful Valentine's Day, depending on who you ask, is coming up. Either way I don't think I'm gonna be wearing the obvious romantic type outfits this year. Lace, reds, pinks, frills...NOPE...but my outfit will be V Day themed. The interesting thing is I can't decide if I'm going to be PRO-Vday or ANTI-Vday. 

I'll be posting a blog on the two looks I have in mind and see what happens. 

- Mika

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