People Hating on Your No Name Brand (or Knockoff) Clothing : Why You Shouldn't Give a Sh#@?

I don't know how to really start this topic because it pisses me off so much that I just want to get to the nitty gritty. 

Whether or not a person's clothing has a name brand, should not matter at all! It should not determine that person's worth. They should not be looked at any differently in comparison to someone that wears the latest and priciest. If you think anything to the contrary, I'm sorry to say (no I'm not) that you're a superficial, materialistic, shallow anus of a person. 

The clothing you wear or any worldly possessions you may have doesn't say anything about you other than you obviously liked that piece of clothing so you (or your man, sugar daddy, woman, sugar momma, etc.) bought it for you. Heck I'm assuming that you bought it. You might be a kid and your parent (s) bought it for you.  If you are a kid and you've been lead to believe that you're not anybody if you're not wearing name brand/designer clothes then little one, you've been led wrong!


Let me personalize this a bit more. Growing up in the Virgin Islands, the word for no name clothes was Smeggs (no clue how that word came up). It was never a good thing when kids in school pointed out that you were wearing "smeggy" shoes or just calling you "smeggy" in general. Even shoes from Payless were considered smeggs!  I'm sure the word for it has changed by now, but the unfortunate fact is that this type of mentality about something so insignificant as the brand of someone's clothing is still ravaging society today.

Why You Shouldn't Give a Sh#@ If Your Clothes Don't Have Brands

  • Your Bills Are Paid!  Just know that you have your priorities straight. You have priorities  (bills, kids, dreams, business ventures, whatever) and FRONTING like you're a celebrity is not one of them. 
  • You Pay Your Bills! Now if you could pay your bills with the opinions of the scum that think less of you because of what you're wearing well you'd be rich!
  • You are still you! Nothing has changed. You still have your smarts, your talents, and everything else that makes you YOU! 
  • It's What's In! In today's economy it's not such a bad thing to be rocking inexpensive clothing. Even the celebs making $$$$$$ purchase inexpensive clothing at thrift shops.  
I could go on and on about this topic, but I think I've made my point. 

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