Thrift Shop Shopping in the Virgin Islands!

*sings in deepest voice possible* I'm gonna pop some tags, only got twenty dollars in my pocket. I'm hunting. Looking for a come up. This is F@#KING AWESOME!! -Macklemore "Thrift Shop" (see video below) It's ok! Scroll down watch the video and come back up here!

This song always comes to my head when I think about thrift shops.

I'm so excited because today is pay day and I'm going to have my 1st thrift shop experience today! I've always been envious of people on the main land because they have access to so much nice finds for oh so very little $. I wished and wished that there were thrift shops here on St. Thomas. Turns out that i wasn't looking hard enough because I found one on a street that I often pass to drop Kem to daycare! I dropped by a couple of days ago to see if it was a shop worthy of losing my "thrifting virginity" to  and my oh my it was!

I saw some really great pieces and I pray that they are still there. I'm especially excited to get one piece because it remarkably resembles a cardigan that caught my eye on Forever 21 that was for around $25. I really hope no one picks it up. My budget is exactly $20 in tribute to Macklemore for showing that you don't have to spend crazy $$ to be and look great. I'm looking for pieces that I can easily alter and wear with items that I already have. 

I've always loved the idea of thrift shopping. I think it's super smart to incorporate thrift shop finds with clothing you already have. Like Macklemore says, one man's trash is another man's come up! By the way Macklemore, as successful as they are, still do thrift shop on a regular basis and donate to them too !  Don't believe me? See their interview here!

Happy Thrifting!

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