
Inspiration Feature: COILY&CUTE (Sharee Miller)

Art is something that I constantly find inspiration and motivation from to pursue my own interests and dreams. usually I admire an artist or person of interest from a spectator's standpoint and leave it at that...but not anymore. 

I've taken a personal challenge to step outside of my comfort zone and actually reach out to artist or people that interest me in some way. 

The 1st person that I'd like to feature is Sharee Miller, a V.I. born artist and author residing in Brooklyn, NY. 
Sharee Miller's self portrait sketch (left) and the artist herself (right)
 She is the founder of the Facebook Page Coily and Cute where she features her many illustrations. 
The focus of  her illustrations are on African American women and girls with natural hair. I got the opportunity to ask Sharee some questions of interest and here's how it went down. 

1.) How long have you been illustrating?

I have been illustrating since I was little.  I've always loved stories... telling them and drawing them.  My sisters were also both very artistic and I started drawing because of them.  Then I grew to love it on my own.  If I couldn't draw I don't know what I would do.

2.) Why did you start Coily and Cute?

I was looking for an outlet to draw every day and at the same time I was getting into the natural hair community and learning about that. I noticed there wasn't much for kids growing up in this newly reclaimed community. As their mothers grew to accept their hair I wanted them to grow up loving their hair. I know everyone loves to see themselves in art and growing up I never saw me and it makes me happy when people say "thats me!" when they look at my art. That is what Coily and Cute is for.

3.) Did you have any fears/hesitation about sharing your art with the world? If so, how did you get past those fears?

It's always scary to share your art with the world. What if people don't like it? What if someone steals it and claims it as their own? There are a lot of risks when sharing your art online. But then I realize I am my biggest critic and most people appreciate my work. Its usually my own voice that makes me pause. And even if no one liked it I would keep doing it because I can't stop. Even if I wanted to.

4.) Name some artists or anyone that inspires you to keep doing what you're doing.

I am inspired by many artists that don't necessarily do what I do, but they do what they love and I find that inspiring. My favorite right now is Geninne. She is a Mexican artist that draws birds and nature but I am inspired by her patterns and anything she wants to make she just makes. Pottery, embroidery, even bread her life is just simple and inspiring. I love her art. 

5.)What was your inspiration for producing your current series of illustrations (the "I Can Be" series)?

I was looking for something special to do for black history month and an illustrator friend gave me the idea to show kids what they could be.

 I started  with drawing about two and everyone liked it so much I am thinking of making as many as I can think of and putting them into a book. I think as a kid it would be nice to look in a book and see all the things I could be.

6.) Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years from now with your artistic talents?
Wow. I hope to be self employed by then. Working from home and raising my kids while working on children's books that are professionally published. Hopefully my work will be licensed as well and you will be able to find it everywhere and have it in your homes on books and calendars and curtains and dishes.
7.) How long have you been natural and why did you decide to go natural?
I have been natural  since 2012, and it will be two years this  month! (March) I had been thinking about it for a long time because my hair had been damaged for a long time and one day I just cut it off. Now I don't really like how I look with straight hair. I love my curls. (when they cooperate)
8.)How can you be contacted (contact info)? How can we (the public) get access to your art (social media links, purchase sites, etc.)?

I can be emailed at for freelance requests and interviews.

I am coilyandcute on instagram and twitter.
Sharee has also recently published a children's book entitled "Night Time Routine" available now on Amazon

Thank You for Being an Inspiration Sharee!

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