
My 4C Natural Hair

Before I go any further into posting hair tutorials or anything related to natural hair, I figured I'd show you guys what my natural hair looks like in its natural state.
This is my hair without any products . I went to the beach yesterday, came home rinsed out the salt water, tied a scarf around it, and this is the result.
My Hair Type?
According to the hair chart below, I have 4C hair. Sometimes it feels like I have 4Z hair!
How long have you been natural?
 I've been natural for 27 years (all my life). Of those 27 years I've only been taking care of my own hair for the last 5 years. Up until 5 years ago I had no clue about sulfate free shampoos, parabens (any of the para-s in fact), hair stretching, or twist outs! The world of YouTube and YouTubers like BlackOnyxx, Naptural85, African Export  is what really opened up my eyes as to how I should be taking care of my hair.
Have you ever wanted to relax your hair? 
I first wanted to straight (St.Thomian word for relaxing hair) my hair once I reached the 9th grade. I didn't see too many girls with natural hair. The majority of my female classmates had their hair straighted and if they didn't their hair type was some were in the 3a-3c range. I constantly asked my parents to straight my hair, but my dad made it clear that that was not happening until I decided too once I turned 18. 
Why didn't you relax your hair? 
My 18th birthday came and went and I still had my natural hair. By then I realized that nothing was wrong with my hair and that I didn't care to be regularly visiting the hair salon like a "Creamy Crackhead". Besides a lot of women that I knew were relaxed, yet ironically they were rocking natural hair looks with extensions and drawstring puffs! To me it didn't make sense for me to straight my hair and then go to the salon to make my hair look like it was natural. 
What products do you use in your hair?
 Shampoos: I try my hardest to use sulfate free shampoos. My favorites are the Organix shampoos and Loreal's Sulfate Free Ever Curl shampoo. If I don't go sulfate free, I just use the cheap Suave shampoos.
Conditioners:  My hair needs a lot of conditioner so most times I use the Suave Daily Clarifying Conditioner because I can get more for my money. It's really good for detangling. 
Oils: Shea butter, Jojoba, Argan, Grape Seed , Coconut. I use whatever I can get my hands on.
What do you not like about your hair?

The only thing that I don't like about my hair is it's length. 4C hair is most prone to breakage and my hair is no different. With hair prone to breakage, it's very difficult to retain length.

What do you love about your hair?
I love my hair's versatility. I can get in so many different styles. I also love that it is stiff because there's no need for wax or holding spray to keep it in place. My hair can be whatever I want it to be. 
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