
Relaxing Saturday: Sun, Sand and Song

Kem has not let up with his campaign of going to the beach for an entire week!  Every day when he wakes up and when I see him after work he's constantly asking me to go to the beach.  Well his non stop "Go to the Beach" Campaign finally worked. Plus I figured that the heat and salt water would be great for both of us since we're trying to get over our colds. 
John Brewers of St.Thomas, US Virgin Islands
So with a swimming noodle, inflatable tube (that I noticed he can barely fit through now), and a bag full of sand castle toys we went  to John Brewer's Beach. Usually our beach of choice is Lindbergh but the water quality was not looking to healthy for this weekend -one of the advantages to working in an environmental regulatory department.  

We only stayed for an hour and a half, but it was just enough time to relax and for Kem to burn out some energy! 

As I was sitting in the sand and watching a plane come in for landing (our airport's strip can be seen from the beach we were on) a thought came to me.
 It so ironic that what my home is paradise and people pay to get access to what I have access to every single day yet I have a desire to go to  wherever they're coming from. New York, California , Boston, wherever. Although I almost never have the funds, I've always loved traveling to new places. The busy streets and awesome wonders of New York have been a recurrent thought  in my head for the last couple months. I'm hoping that I get to go there before the year is out, even if it's just for a couple days!

My relaxing moment of peace at the beach did come to and end because next on my list of things to do was choir practice. My son is in our church's kids choir group, God's Little Angels. Although I was most attentive to the new verse the choir was learning, the beach seemed to take too much energy from Kemal! His was bobbing more than apples in a Bobbing for Apples game. 
 Now I'm  back home getting ready to deal with this natural hair of mine. 

That's how my day's going so far! 

How is yours going?

Scripture Learned Today from Choir:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold,all things have become new.  - 2Chorintians 5:17

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